Below are the slides for my talk entitled “Level Up! Taking your WordPress Code up a Notch” given at WordCamp Rochester 2024. You can also access the slides directly.
WordPress Debugging 101
Ready! Filter! Action!
This talk given at WordCamp Boston 2016 on July 23, 2016. One of the most powerful (and proper) ways to modify WordPress core, themes, or plugins is through the use of action and filter hooks. Come learn what these hooks are, how to find them, and how to use them effectively to alter the default behavior of WordPress core, themes, and plugins to make them do our bidding.
Using CSS to update your WordPress website
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language used to control the look and feel of your website. This powerful tool controls the spacing, coloring, fonts, and decorative elements (such as…
Updating WordPress RSS feed cache time
Basics of Building a Gutenberg Block
Securing your Website with SSL
The Way to Theme Enlightenment
Slides from my talk entitled “The Way to Theme Enlightenment” Stepping into theme development can be daunting. Sure anyone with a little PHP skill and a basic understanding of the…
Level Up! Taking your WordPress Code up a Notch
Below are the slides for my talk entitled “Level Up! Taking your WordPress Code up a Notch” given at Boston WordCamp 2017. You can also access the slides directly.
WordPress Plugin Roundtable Meetup
The Seacoast NH WordPress meetup recently held a Plugin Roundtable meetup. The goal was to share info on recommended WordPress plugins. Since meetup doesn’t allow long comments on meetups and…